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1.75" Tru-Tactical Velcro Collar


Please note the design of this collar changed.

Strength rating of this collar is set at 8,000Lbs.


This collar CAN Hoist a Jeep off the Ground, it is That strong! (video evidence to prove it)


  • This collar features Sewn-On ID Patches
  • Two Layers of webbing for extra strength

(1x layer of Type 13 condition R, 1-23/32" wide, and 1x layer of type 17337 webbing, 1.5" wide)

  • This collar features Velcro for removable ID Patches
  • an ISC Buckle that will NOT come loose while working the dog. (must fully depress both buttons to get it off)
  • The Velcro section of this collar is only long enough to fit the ID Patch and Morale Patch.

(Full Velcro Wrap colors are also avialble in the collar section of our Website)


We can embroider your Dog's Name into the Velcro, that can be covered with the Removable ID Patch (see pics for examples)


How to Order:
-Choose the Inner Color of the Collar (1.75" wide)

-Choose the Outer Color of the collar (1.5" wide)

(Velcro will be the same color as the outside where possible - if not available then it would be matched to the inner color)

-Choose a Text color - NOTE: the collar color is NOT the same and the text color.

How to Measure your dog's Neck for a Collar
Take a fabric Measuring tape, wrap it around the very top of your dog's neck.
TIGHT. Do NOT leave any spaces or "two finger gap".
this is the High Neck. This measurement will be the minimum size on your collar.
We also ask you how old your dog is. This is important. "Under 18 months" and the smallest size will be the number you give us.  "Over 18months" or "Fully Grown", means that we will give you some room to make the collar a tiny bit smaller for seasonal shrinkage.


Please note:

MultiCam Black and MulitCam, are only available in Single-Ply Collars.

Tru-Tactical Dog Collar 1.75" w. Velcro ID Patch

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